The family. Life is hard. (Book 2)
soozika says: Hi soozika.
The man in the picture could have been born as late as 1850 but probably earlier. In the photo with four children he is at least in his 30's placing the date about 1875 to 1880. | ![]() The family. Life is hard. (Book 2) Originally uploaded by anyjazz65. |
Labels: Found Photograph, Old Photograph
Brownie Hawkeye with Flash Attachment
![]() | ![]() Brownie Hawkeye with Flash Attachment Originally uploaded by anyjazz65 As a kid I borrowed several cameras including a 2x3 Crown Graphic and I had several hand me down box cameras early on. But after the Hawkeye, I bought a Kodak Pony 135 when they first appeared. It has been a series of 35mm cameras since then. In 2001 I bought a Nikon 995 digital and I have never looked back. |
religious 12x12in
What a thought.
This talented artist should have two size prints made. One should be the original size and the other should be postcard size. The small prints should sell for about 2 bucks, the full size for 35-40 bucks. The original should sell for $250.
The Business of Religion.
Labels: Bee
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men...
I don't know how it works either. I THINK I know what the big boys tell me. There are 500 photographs chosen for explorer each day and their rankings change within the day (how many times I couldn't guess. ) If your photo drops to #501 in the rankings it will drop off the charts until it maybe jumps into the top 500 again. The rankings are based (again, as the big boys taught me) on how many visits, favorites and comments each photo has and how FAST it collects them. The Favorites probably outweigh the Comments and the Comments probably Outweigh the visits. The number of groups they are posted in also adjusts the rank somehow. (the fewer postings, the higher the rank). The number and kind of tags figures in too. Beyond that, I understand, Flickr isn't telling. If anyone can correct or supplement this loose description, help out!
Here is a nice LONG discussion on it:
Well as long as I'm on a rant about it, I might as well add this too. Apparently Flickr gives each photo a unique number by just numbering them consecutively upon arrival. The number for the above bird picture is 218727061...(see the URL line at Flickr...) and
this is one of the first photogrphs I uploaded which was #45142957.
If that is true, using my own numbers over the past 11 months, Flickr has upoladed at least 170 million photos. That's an average of more than 15 million a month, over 500 thousand a day. Average. To have ONE photo in the top 500 for that day is pretty rare atmosphere. Flickr has more than 200 million photographs numbered now (AT THIS DATE!).
Of course when the photosite was younger there were fewer members, fewer photos per month, perhaps as few as 10,000. Now of course it is probably 25 million a month. Or so.
Labels: Flickr, photographs, rant
![]() Yes, I refused to use Kleenex until this mess was cleaned up. AND THEY DID!. ![]() | She sat alone in the corner First, I must make it clear that I have an odd fixation for any old aircraft. There is just something about their appearance and history that makes me drift a bit. I have never wanted to be a pilot, I just get fascinated by the histories of these machines, especially the military types of WW11. That said, the Lockheed Constellation was another brainchild of the illustrious Howard Hughes. This one considerably more useful than his Spruce Goose. Set apart by its distictive triple tail rudder profile, it dominated the skies just before the jet airliners flew into the scene. Of the 856 that were built, there are only five still flying. The "survivor" shown above sat at the Smoky Hill base in Salina, Kansas for years, a decade ago. I have no idea where it is now. |
Labels: aircraft, Connie, constellation, Lockheed Constellation
Castles in air

opie_jeanne says:
Wow. Did you photoshop this?
Posted 18 hours ago.
anyjazz65 says:
Straight out of the box-camera. But I had about five shots to choose from.
I seldom think about post production of a shot really. Just stuck in a film-camera rut, I guess. I use photoshop some to clear up found photos.
Posted 14 hours ago.
opie_jeanne says:
The sky is so dark. That's why I asked.
Posted 14 hours ago.
anyjazz65 says:
I know. It was a dramatic sky to watch. These clouds were moving fast. This is looking almost straight east at nearly sundown. The sun caught only the highest clouds.
Posted 14 hours ago.
opie_jeanne says:
I think I understand. It was one of those hot days that feel like the air is quivering as you wait for it to rain?
Posted 13 hours ago.
anyjazz65 says:
Yes. Like that.
But, it didn't rain. We are losing trees now. Even the sturdy crepe myrtle needs the hose run on it constantly. The grass is long gone. I have birds at the birdbath that normally wouldn't come out of the wild into a "civilized" yard. Bob White, Flicker, Red Shoulder Hawk. I have to fill the birdbath six or seven times a day and it automatically refills three times on its own.
I lost a huge mimosa this week. Looks like a 40 year old cottonwood is next. It is really sad.
Posted 12 hours ago.
opie_jeanne says:
I hear you. It doesn't rain here either, most of the time it threatens us like this. We think we are losing our jacaranda but not from drought; it had termites when we first moved here but we think an ant colony has taken care of that problem, but the tree is struggling. I will weep if that happens.
Posted 9 hours ago.
queen of the universe says:
I love this shot. I would like to see it in b&w or sepia...(maybe). Sounds like you are in the grip of Ole Mom Nature's whims too. Where do you live? I live in central Florida. We've got several big ole oaks that look dead, and it's breaking my heart. The county extension sez it's possible they are in shock, because we had a full year of crazy high water, and now it's been rather dry... it always seems to be a Lesson in Patience, doesn't it?
Posted 2 hours ago.
anyjazz65 says:
This is in south-central Oklahoma about 30 miles from Texas. This is where the "Dust Bowl" was, where the "Grapes of Wrath" began. Much has been done over the last 70 years to prevent that circumstance again but it is still scary and depressing. Patience is the remedy, yes. I do hope Mother Nature does not run short of patience with us.
Now it's stuck to my foot...
Labels: Bee