Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Wordless Wednesday - Sunset in Oklahoma

Sunset in Oklahoma.

My Own Wordless Wednesday

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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A sunset

A Colorado Sunset, originally uploaded by anyjazz65.

view profile oldog_oltrix says: I have Faved this. After pondering it awhile, I realized I was seeing something explosive being conveyed at the photo's bright focal point. Some days the sun dies quietly and other days it sets the sky ablaze. On this day it shattered, spreading fiery remnants and windswept debris, before being overtaken by the night. Too allegorical?

I wonder how many people are taking time to ponder any Flickr photos. I get the sense that Flickr is pretty much a snap-decision universe. Posted 6 weeks ago.

view profile anyjazz65 says: Thanks for the visit oldog oltrix. Having a photo added to your favorites list is an honor, especially since you had to dig back into the archives a bit to find it. Your poetic observation means the photograph connected for you. That means a lot.

You are probably bang-on about the fickle habits of the average Flickr follower. Possibly many contributors on Flickr have only a few seconds to review the just latest postings from the members in their contact circle. Well, I guess that’s better than nothing at all. I have noted that a few of us though, scan or slideshow through the whole stream or at least a set. We are looking for that photo that stops us, inspires, connects, tells a story or just presents something stunning. We are looking for consistent quality, or an interesting approach, or just a different idea. We exchange comments and observations.

Back in my business days we called it “brainstorming.” We pooled our ideas and efforts and the result was an improved output both generally and personally.

Flickr members are wide and varied. I ran across one a few days ago that has more than 60 thousand photos of horses posted, each watermarked with his signature. Others like Digital Gurl and soozika are serious about quality photography, challenge themselves and make only a scant few postings of their delightful work. And some like opie jeanne, meagain625, corner of the field, myself and several others seem interested mainly in the photograph itself, whether it came from our own camera or not. We do indeed find some stunning work. There are many others I could name but just look at my contacts list or go through my favorites, you will find them there.

Of course there are many who just post every historic “photo” from their cell phone of the party last night or today or last week, rotated to the left, color distorted, poorly lighted and blurry. It means something to them.

I spend a bit of time each day looking at the latest postings from my contacts and through their favorites. And sometimes I follow the links to their contacts and other “favorites” and groups. Then if there is time, I follow the stream of the latest arrivals, the newest postings on Flickr. I suppose I look at a thousand or more photographs in each Flickr session.

I seem to be member number 49,024,304. And I have been on Flickr more than a year. My latest posting, according to the URL, is numbered somewhere above 331 million on Flickr. That’s a lot of photographs. Finding one to collect as a favorite is special.


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JKonig's "drama queen"

drama queen
Originally uploaded by JKonig.

This is what Jennifer König says about her photograph which she titles "drama queen":

"ok let me say right off the bat, this AIN'T how the sky looked. it was really rather drab and grey, with a somewhat funky cloud formation. but like a little girl who turns her toybox upside down on the living room floor, i decided to play with it, to see what drama lay hidden within the pixels. mostly i tinkered with the levels and saturation, coaxing out that little slice of yellowy orangitude from its hiding place under the couch.p.s. check out this cool photo manipulation from P Doodle... (i had no idea he'd posted that, so i like to think of it as more of flickr's "serendipity syrup," as nj dodge rightly calls it.) "

So I thought about it all moring. I started to comment on Flickr about the photo and the post processing philosophy but decided it was too much. So I put it here instead.

The finished image is what counts.

This comes from a photog that carried 35mm film cameras for almost 50 years. I strove all that time to make the end result be the same as it came from the camera. Darkroom work was simply too strenuous and expensive and worse, somehow it seemed like devious misrepresentation. Available light, candid angles and fast film ruled my photographs.

Good boy. Jam
The candid shot was supreme.

Today, with a digital camera, I still strive for that natural shot, the picture that looks just like it looked when I was there. But now, “darkroom” work is no longer strenuous or expensive or devious. And it is no longer a personal taboo. It is part of the process. If a shot needs a bit of enhancement to make the photo convey what I “felt” at the time, then that is part of the process. Indeed, it is part of the art.

I think perhaps I suddenly needed to either “vent” or “come-out” (borrowing some of today’s vernacular) on this subject. I ranted on for a couple paragraphs so I blogged this instead to avoid taking up JKonig's comment space. It’s just personal opinion anyway.

(Candid shots rule forever!)

Can anyone identify this painting?
Click for larger version.

A very,merry unbushday to you!
It's a hoot!

Yes, I refuse to use

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Castles in air

Castles in air

opie_jeanne says:
Wow. Did you photoshop this?
Posted 18 hours ago.

anyjazz65 says:
Straight out of the box-camera. But I had about five shots to choose from.

I seldom think about post production of a shot really. Just stuck in a film-camera rut, I guess. I use photoshop some to clear up found photos.
Posted 14 hours ago.

opie_jeanne says:
The sky is so dark. That's why I asked.
Posted 14 hours ago.

anyjazz65 says:
I know. It was a dramatic sky to watch. These clouds were moving fast. This is looking almost straight east at nearly sundown. The sun caught only the highest clouds.
Posted 14 hours ago.

opie_jeanne says:
I think I understand. It was one of those hot days that feel like the air is quivering as you wait for it to rain?
Posted 13 hours ago.

anyjazz65 says:
Yes. Like that.

But, it didn't rain. We are losing trees now. Even the sturdy crepe myrtle needs the hose run on it constantly. The grass is long gone. I have birds at the birdbath that normally wouldn't come out of the wild into a "civilized" yard. Bob White, Flicker, Red Shoulder Hawk. I have to fill the birdbath six or seven times a day and it automatically refills three times on its own.

I lost a huge mimosa this week. Looks like a 40 year old cottonwood is next. It is really sad.
Posted 12 hours ago.

opie_jeanne says:
I hear you. It doesn't rain here either, most of the time it threatens us like this. We think we are losing our jacaranda but not from drought; it had termites when we first moved here but we think an ant colony has taken care of that problem, but the tree is struggling. I will weep if that happens.
Posted 9 hours ago.

queen of the universe says:
I love this shot. I would like to see it in b&w or sepia...(maybe). Sounds like you are in the grip of Ole Mom Nature's whims too. Where do you live? I live in central Florida. We've got several big ole oaks that look dead, and it's breaking my heart. The county extension sez it's possible they are in shock, because we had a full year of crazy high water, and now it's been rather dry... it always seems to be a Lesson in Patience, doesn't it?
Posted 2 hours ago.

anyjazz65 says:
This is in south-central Oklahoma about 30 miles from Texas. This is where the "Dust Bowl" was, where the "Grapes of Wrath" began. Much has been done over the last 70 years to prevent that circumstance again but it is still scary and depressing. Patience is the remedy, yes. I do hope Mother Nature does not run short of patience with us.

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The never-ending sunset


No matter how many times we photograph them, they are always sensational.

Nature does it all day long, daily.

We never tire of seeing the ones in our part of our earth. Sometimes it is quite a show. It is always new, always fresh always inspring.

These are just thumbnails. Click on any picture or title and go to the photographer's original stream and see the original in a large format. While you are there, get acquainted with the work of these artists.

Deer Isle, Maine sunset,
originally uploaded by JKonig.

Sunset at Analandia Town
originally uploaded by nhanhauzinha.

Oklahoma Sky and clouds...,
originally uploaded by anyjazz65.

Twilight over Vancouver,
originally uploaded by blu butterfly.

Tenerife, Canary Islands Sunset,
originally uploaded by anyjazz65.

In Australia A Noosa Sunset
originally uploaded by aumbody images.

It's Oklahoma and Just another sunset.,
originally uploaded by anyjazz65.

sky on fire..., originally uploaded by ed ed

A Umag, Croatia Sunset means Calmness,
originally uploaded by JumpinJack.

Lake Champlain, Vermont
evening meditation,
originally uploaded by Bisse.

From Sedona, Arizona
Exiting Storm At Sunset,
originally uploaded by XOZ.

From Elk Basin, Montana:
I've Looked at Clouds From Both Sides Now
originally uploaded by moos.

Sunset 13 Jan 07 - La Jolla, CA,
originally uploaded by SwizzleStick Photos

Sortida a Cardona. 26 de novembre 2006
Posta sol,
originally uploaded by art_es_anna.

Cold Spring, New York and a Pontiac Sunset,
originally uploaded by Duff Suds.

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada and the
Softy Sun,
originally uploaded by Izobelle.

From Texas: Hot
originally uploaded by meagain625

NC - mountain sunset
originally uploaded by tsmyther

Umea Sweden sends this Umea Sunset II,
originally uploaded by hhsc_2000/Greg.

Colorado Sunset Venus,
originally uploaded by MarXie.

Washington State and a Snowy Sunset,
originally uploaded by purplewon2000

A sunset from Zsámbék Hungary,
originally uploaded by Gabó

Korsika Sunset,
originally uploaded by soozika

Bridgeport California and
Big Meadows at Sunset,
originally uploaded by Bodie Bailey.

And one more from Arizona! Called
Last glimpse, originally uploaded by AzKate.

The sun setting over "Capability" Brown's Queen Pool at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire.
Sky on Fire,
originally uploaded by Bobby8.

there's gold in them thar' hills,
originally uploaded by Elan Photography

Backyard Sunset - from the Just ONE sunset set,
originally uploaded by creativity+

Devon Sunet
originally uploaded by Daisy Hynes

strange sky 2
originally uploaded by adals

Wild and Beautiful
originally uploaded by meagain625.

Ocean Beauty
originally uploaded by kelsana.

originally uploaded by Dawn_T

The other End!
originally uploaded by kittymax

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