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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Things ain't what they used to be. (In fact, they never was.)
The Profile (more than you really wanted to know) is

Hello Kiddies. This is your uncle Steve with another bedtime story.

Once upon a time in the land of Boop-Bop-Sh-Bam there lived a little girl named Goldilocks.

One day Goldilocks’ mother said, "Honey you can sit the next set out in the back yard if you promise not to goof off and get lost."

“Mommio,” said Goldie, heading for the yard, “this is the place.”

“Crazy,” said her mother, returning to her household chores.

Well, for a while little Goldilocks was content to play in the back yard but finally she became …uh, bored, and decided to see a bit of the world.

Wandering out through the back gate, she soon found herself in a deep dark forest. In no time she was hopelessly lost and her terror mounted, as she perceived that it was getting quite dark.

Suddenly, in the distance Goldilocks saw a light flickering in the darkness and with hopes high she ran toward it. The light, she soon learned came from a strange little house in the middle of the forest. A house she had never seen before. Fearfully she knocked on the door. And getting no answer from the bar tender she entered.

Inside the house she saw three chairs. “Bless my soul,” said Goldie, “the Three Suns must be working this spot.”

She next spied three steaming bowls of soup on a table. “This joint must have been raided,” she said. “Looks like everybody cut out.”

Sampling the soup, she learned that the largest bowl was very hot, the next bowl was very cool, and the littlest bowl was just right. Naturally she chose the “cool” bowl.

Feeling a bit weary, she then walked up stairs and found a bedroom with three beds in it.
“Ah, these dressing rooms on the road,” said Goldie said to herself, “are the lowest.”

Then, drowsy, she tried all three beds and finally lay down upon the smallest and fell fast asleep.

Shortly thereafter the downstairs door banged open and in walked three bears.

(Sniff, sniff) “I smell Arpege,” said the Mama bear to her mate. “Gus you’ve had a dame here!”

“Ah, yer outa yer skull,” said the Papa Bear, “although it does uh… look as if someone had eyes for the soup over there.”

“I’m hip,” Said the Mama Bear, “and Dig! The upstairs bedroom door is open.”

“Hey, wordsville,” said the Baby Bear, “this whole thing is real nervous!”

“Let’s fall upstairs;” said the Papa Bear, “find out what the bit is.”

So saying, the three bears climbed the stairs and walked into the bedroom where Goldilocks lay sound asleep.

“Hey,” said the Papa Bear, “Somebody’s been makin’ it in my bed!”

“There’s been a scuffle in my pad too,” said the Mama Bear.

“Er, I don’t like to start idle gossip, “said the Baby Bear, “but if you’ll take it from the top, you’ll dig that there’s a chick in my sack right now.”

“So there is!” said the Papa Bear, shaking Goldilocks gently. “Uh… baby wake up! You better check with the desk clerk.”

Goldilocks rolled over and mumbled sleepily, “Jack, don’t bug me, I’m beat.”
Three Graces

“Nutty,” said the Papa Bear, “but you better call GAC, they’ve booked you into the wrong room.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said goldilocks, perceiving her error at last, “Forgive me for coming on so square.”

And so the three bears took her downstairs and showed her the way to go home. And Little Goldilocks never again disobeyed her mother.

Sometimes though, in the spring, she uh… looks through the latest Downbeat to see where the trio’s are playin’, y’know.

Written and performed by Steve Allen (Brunswick9-80228)

If you have not heard this performed, you have my sincerest sympathy.

Good things seem to come in three's, originally uploaded by anyjazz65.

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Tangled up In Blue

The excercise for today is to name the obscure author of the following Bob Dylan lyrics. Bonus points for noting the year it was written.

Early one mornin' the sun was shinin',
I was layin' in bed
Wond'rin' if she'd changed at all
If her hair was still red.
Her folks they said our lives together
Sure was gonna be rough
They never did like Mama's homemade dress
Papa's bankbook wasn't big enough.
And I was standin' on the side of the road
Rain fallin' on my shoes
Heading out for the East Coast
Lord knows I've paid some dues gettin' through,
Tangled up in blue.

She was married when we first met
Soon to be divorced
I helped her out of a jam, I guess,
But I used a little too much force.
We drove that car as far as we could
Abandoned it out West
Split up on a dark sad night
Both agreeing it was best.
She turned around to look at me
As I was walkin' away
I heard her say over my shoulder,
"We'll meet again someday on the avenue,"
Tangled up in blue.

tangled up in blue
originally uploaded by ed ed

Sundown Reflection On The Porsche
originally uploaded by XOZ

I had a job in the great north woods
Working as a cook for a spell
But I never did like it all that much
And one day the ax just fell.
So I drifted down to New Orleans
Where I happened to be employed
Workin' for a while on a fishin' boat
Right outside of Delacroix.
But all the while I was alone
The past was close behind,
I seen a lot of women
But she never escaped my mind, and I just grew
Tangled up in blue.

She was workin' in a topless place
And I stopped in for a beer,
I just kept lookin' at the side of her face
In the spotlight so clear.
And later on as the crowd thinned out
I's just about to do the same,
She was standing there in back of my chair
Said to me, "Don't I know your name?"
I muttered somethin' underneath my breath,
She studied the lines on my face.
I must admit I felt a little uneasy
When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe,
Tangled up in blue.

She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe
"I thought you'd never say hello," she said
"You look like the silent type."
Then she opened up a book of poems
And handed it to me
Written by an Italian poet
From the thirteenth century.
And every one of them words rang true
And glowed like burnin' coal
Pourin' off of every page
Like it was written in my soul from me to you,
Tangled up in blue.

I lived with them on Montague Street
In a basement down the stairs,
There was music in the cafes at night
And revolution in the air.
Then he started into dealing with slaves
And something inside of him died.
She had to sell everything she owned
And froze up inside.
And when finally the bottom fell out
I became withdrawn,
The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew,
Tangled up in blue.

I took a trip today (3)
originally uploaded by nyctreeman

Tree line
originally uploaded byART NAHPRO

So now I'm goin' back again,
I got to get to her somehow.
All the people we used to know
They're an illusion to me now.
Some are mathematicians
Some are carpenter's wives.
Don't know how it all got started,
I don't know what they're doin' with their lives.
But me, I'm still on the road
Headin' for another joint
We always did feel the same,
We just saw it from a different point of view,
Tangled up in blue.

Copyright © 1974 Ram's Horn Music

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Two kids in the yard

Two kids in the yard, originally uploaded by anyjazz65.

This is a found photograph of two children. For some reason, for me there is symbolism in it that is disturbing. It is doubtful that it was meant that way. After all, there were wizards and dunces too.

nyctreeman has a nice discussion on symbolism here:

The Swastika Inn Circa 1930, originally uploaded by nyctreeman.

view profile ctb59 says: Oy!

view profile nyctreeman says: I would love to see if this building is still there! (probably not)

view profile vfm4 says: yes me too! is it far from you?

view profile yctreeman says: I have to look it up, give me a few ;-)
....................Oh forget it! It is near the Canadian border just to the right of Lake Ontario! TOO FAR

view profile vfm4 says: ok, no prob..... maybe somebody else lives closer and even know about it... :-)

view profile anyjazz65 says: We have come a long way.

view profile nyctreeman says: anyjazz: I just figured out that this is more like 1925 or thereabouts.
Anyway, Swastika emblems were common for luck and design prior to Mr. Psycho Hitler's rise to power.
Interesting statement on human psychology how that symbol still freaks people out.

view profile anyjazz65 says: Yes especially so, in that as I understand it the symbol predated Hilter by hundreds of years in many countries and cultures. The horrible stigma attatched to it in a few short years has almost erased the original meaning in modern cultures.
It is probably a good thing that a simple symbol makes people uneasy. Perhaps that will add strength to our resolve to be wary of such leaders. (!)
There is an interesting examination here:

view profile purplewon2000 says: Cool find. It'd be cool to see if it's still there. It might be, but without the swastika. The Original Spam Brain has ruined that symbol for many.

view profile nyctreeman says: anyjazz: intersting link, thanks

purplewon2000: yup, but it is funny that even in the non-nazi form it still makes people uneasy. I have a long and boring theory about all of this, that is why the nazi swastika is so powerful as an image opposed to the Japanese or Soviet symbols. (I won't bore you)

view profile Calveen 82 says: Too far?? Come on Len, look at all the nice scenery you're missing :)

view profile nyctreeman says: Talk to me about this in June, not January ;-)

view profile magpie-moon says: the owners of this place were probably saying "damn! damn! damn!" ten or 15 years later, when they were having to deal with changing the name on everything... (i always have to wonder about the company that made "Ayds" diet candy, too)

view profile nyctreeman says: I remember AYDS!! I think they kind of disappeared too, or just quietly changed the name. What a terrible coincidence! "Lose weight with Ayds" ... whew! someone got hung in the board room on that one.

view profile nyctreeman says: Oh wow magpie, I didn't realize how old the Ayds were!
Here is an an Ayds ad with Hedy Lamarr from 1952 on ebay:

view profile Calveen 82 says: Haha. Just noticed your response. You'll be ok in January as long as you stay away from that snow infested Buffalo,NY.

view profile nyctreeman says: I don't know Calveen, I try to stay below New York in the winter.
Last time I looked at the google map, Star Lake was pretty damn close to Buffalo in lattitude, that is. My way of dealing with this is to email the county clerks office there and start poking around that way.
"Hey baby", ..."You ever hear of the Swastika Inn"? hahaha
I'm such a charmer.

view profile Zach's Dame says: Neat link to the Ayds ads...what was in those things?
As far as the swastika, it is interesting that its original meaning isn't as widely known, and even when it is known, gives us the heebie-jeebies (like for me). The evil that was attached to it is probably an unerasable stigma.
BTW, I'd like to hear your theory! Although the hammer & sickle chill me too.

view profile nyctreeman says: Once upon a time, a man delved a little too deep into the nature of this beastly thing the human being, his own careful what you seek, you may just find it.

We are not as complicated as we fancy, as a matter of fact we all share the same common programmed base nature. Manifestations of that nature vary in directions of course, but the drive mechanisms are all the same........well anyway..........

Of the monsters that have arisen in our recent history, the one singularly unique one was the Nazi regime. Only this regime based it's judgment on humanity according to what one was born with, (or lack thereof). Mimicking (in an evil way), a God like judgment, this regime determined the worthiness of a human being on their genetic background. A judgment that no human could overcome. As a matter of fact, the Nazi 'theology' was born out of an occult or religious theory that the Aryan race were once Gods on earth, thus relegating all others to subservience in the eventuality of their ascendancy to power.

Since I believe that judgment of that nature is at enmity with all of mankind, the result was not only revulsion to the obvious crimes against humanity that were committed, but also on a much more visceral level, to the judgment methodology itself. Any form of judgment that places mankind in a position in which his very nature and essence of being is called into question will be met with vigorous abhorrence.

All of this of course is irrelevant to the Nazis, it is a study in the most base nature of the human animal. Further complicating the matter in my opinion, is the rapid changes that the human being has undergone in the last 100 years or so. I also tie this theory of nature to the genetic programming that we all have and the remarkable way it seems to be contiguous with our spiritual side.

(remember, you asked for it) ;-P

view profile anyjazz65 says: Well put, well put. Thanks.

I now have the courage to post a couple of found pictures I have been saving for the right context. (The photograph at the top of this page is one of them.)

It is a good thing that a simple symbol reminds us to avoid being sheep or that evil still lurks in the hearts of some men. History will repeat itself if we are ignorant of it. Or more eloquently:

I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way of judging of the future but by the past. - Edward Gibbon

History is the only laboratory we have in which to test the consequences of thought. - Etienne Gilson

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. - George Santayana (about Viet Nam)

Our ignorance of history causes us to slander our own times. - Gustave Flaubert

History is merely a list of surprises. It can only prepare us to be surprised yet again. - Kurt Vonnegut

History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again. - Maya Angelou

History is the science of what never happens twice. - Paul Valery

One faces the future with one's past. - Pearl S. Buck

And the more ominous:
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

view profile nyctreeman says: Interesting photo, I think we can be simplistic in our analysis of this phenom in this way:

Symbols, images, objects, etc, we associate in a purely mechanical way through sight and memory record, but then the human nature aspect downloads that info and processes it in whatever way is keen to the specific individual.

I know some people who are fascinated with these old symbols from a completely artistic interest, and maybe hinging on their relationship to the cultural ghosts they represent. On the otherhand, I know people who are fascinated with the same images because of their own ideology or emotional attachments to the old regimes.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which is which.

view profile anyjazz65 says:Agreed.

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