Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Musical Monday - American Idol Concert, Tulsa

American Idol Concert Tulsa - Michael Sarver
Michael Sarver opened the show.

American Idol Concert Tulsa -Megan Joy

Meagan Joy - Smouldering performance - Spikey personality. Give her a scarf to hold, stand her in the curve of a grand piano, give her a pin spotlight and turn her loose on some Bessie Smith lyrics. Okay. I said it.

American Idol Concert Tulsa - Scott MacIntyre
Scott MacIntyre

American Idol Concert Tulsa - Lil Rounds
Lil Rounds - The Entertainer! Much more polished in person than on the tube.

American Idol Concert Tulsa
Anoop Desai - Far better in person than on the tube. He has developed a fine stage presence.

American Idol Concert Tulsa -  Matt Giraud
Matt Giraud - A handsome and talented performer.

American Idol Concert Tulsa - Alison Iraheta
Alison Iraheta - She has no limits!

American Idol Concert Tulsa - Danny Gokey
Danny Gokey

American Idol Concert Tulsa -  Adam Lambert
Adam Lambert - Spectacular!

American Idol Concert Tulsa  - Kris Allen
And finally Kris Allen. Again, better in person. I can see now that he is quite talented.

The Profile
(more than you
wanted to know)

is here.

Betty Boop

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Wordless Wednesday - Adam Lambert

American Idol Concert Tulsa

My own Wordless Wednesday

The Profile
(more than you
wanted to know)

is here.

Betty Boop

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Musical Monday - The Unmentionables

American Idol Concert Tulsa

The American Idol Concert 2009 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

At a previous concert during a duet by Lambert and Irahita, a bra was pitched onstage from the audience. Allison kicked it around and finally Adam picked it up, swung it around and pitched it back into the audience.

During the same duet in Tulsa, a bright red bra landed on stage as well as a pair of panties. They kicked them around a bit and then Adam picked up the bra, swung it around and pitched it back into the audience.

Ah, Showbiz.

The Profile
(more than you
wanted to know)

is here.

Betty Boop

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Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers

Gatlin Brothers appear
Music Monday

The Gatlin Brothers performed at our Simmons Center Auditorium October 31, 2007. They had just performed in Lawton in the Country/Jazz fusion concert. They decided to do a show in our town because we have such a nice theater. .. And well, because Larry Gatlin's wife is from here.

It was a good show from some very professional showpeople. I enjoyed it very much.

I used no flash and took lots of shots. There's plenty of light if I use a slow shutter speed and a fast ASA. I sometimes get blurry figures using available light but since I take all the photos from the same angle, (It's hard to change seats after the show has started.) it is easy to combine shots later to a final image. This is actually a composit of seven photographs.

It is also important to note: Today in 1959, Ford motor company, on the advice of Abraham Lincoln, cancelled production of the Edsel. "You can fool some of the people..."

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the most popular pages:
Alison Young
Art Pepper
Barney Kessel
Bettie Page
Edgar Degas and the lost Ginger Nude
Ginger Panda
Gnat Trap
Little Annie Fannie
Resident Alien
Sunday Funnies

Things ain't what they used to be. (In fact, they never was.)
The Profile (more than you really wanted to know) is

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The Ahn Sisters

The Ahn Sisters
originally uploaded by anyjazz65.

These are the Ahn sisters, an amazing trio of musicians. We enjoyed them very much. They were very kind to appear here last Friday in the middle of Oklahoma, given that everyone east of the Mississippi thinks that Oklahoma is still a wild territory with corn as high as an elephant's eye. The concert was excellent.

The musical fare varied from the very original and complex item written especially for the trio by a contemporary Russian composer, to more familiar strains from old masters. The encore was "Orange Blossom Special" played oh so delicately.

While intense and focused while playing, the girls were very personable and humorous between selections. Here one is asking the audience if anyone knows how it is to travel with a cellist.

I avoided a flash and shot the evening with a 70mm lens and available light. Not all shots were clear because the sisters were very animated when playing. So I combined three shots for the above example because I could not catch all three of them holding still at once in one shot.

These are
the most popular pages:
Art Pepper
Gnat Trap
Alison Young
Resident Alien
Ginger Panda
Barney Kessel
Sunday Funnies

Yes, I refuse to use

Things ain't what they used to be. (In fact, they never was.)
The Profile (more than you really wanted to know) is

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