Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Second City Touring Group

Cast of touring group Second City

The Second City Touring group visited us last Saturday night at the Simmons Center.

The were lively and very funny. There were lots of skits, rehearsed and not, but the accent was on the improv. They used words and phrases from the audience to key a skit.

I missed a few punch lines because of the audience noise and the piano background music but then, that's me.

They are from left:
Megan Hovde Wilkins
Dana Quercioli
Ross Bryant
Edgar Blackmon

Cast of touring group Second City

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery
The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about
Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

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Get Smart

"Did you know that television BEGAN in 1965?"

NO. I don't believe that.

"Would you believe color television began in 1965?"


"Would you believe that Get Smart staring Don Adams and Barbara Feldon first aired today in 1965?"

Has it actually been 42 years and we still remember the famous gag lines...Would you believe it?

"Sorry 'bout that... " Gosh, that's heard at least once a week, even now, almost half a century later.

And remember the shoe phone?

These are
the most popular pages:
Art Pepper
Gnat Trap
Alison Young
Resident Alien
Ginger Panda
Barney Kessel
Sunday Funnies

Yes, I refuse to use

Things ain't what they used to be. (In fact, they never was.)
The Profile (more than you really wanted to know) is

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Just a few birthdays.

Fearless Fosdick was three things:
It was a comic strip.
It was a comic strip parody of ANOTHER comic strip: Dick Tracy
It was a comic strip that appeared WITHIN another comic strip: Li'l Abner

Today is the birthday of Fearless Fosdick, Li'l Abner's ideel; both the creations of the controversial and onery cartoonist Al Capp. Mr. Fosdick is 65.

For the rest of the story click on the panel at the left to take you to the fine website "Did You Know" and an excellent coverage of this super-hero...(read as "Stupor-Hero")

Or there is a shorter bio here...

Read here about the ill-fated TV series depicting this comic strip within a comic strip parody of another comic strip.

Some other notable birthdays today:

1930 Sonny Rollins
I saw Sonny Rollins perform at the Ottawa Jazz Festival in 2001. I was working as a volunteer in the Musician's Hospitality Room at the Ramada Inn where all the festival performers stayed. I met him briefly on an elevator going up to the Hospitality Room floor. He performed at the evening show in Confederation Park. He did not participate in the jam session late that night. Of course he was seventy-one at that time.

1936 Buddy Holly
Do you know where you were when the music died? I read it in the local newspaper the next morning.

1942 Garrison Keillor...Well, depending on the source, his birthday might also be August, stay tuned...

I could write volumes about listening to Keillor's radio show, "Prairie Home Companion" Saturday evening on PBS. I have listened to the program faithfully since I first heard it back in 1989. I used to faithfully record the two hour program so that I could listen to them over and over. (Which, of course, I never did.) If you have not heard a segment called "News from Lake Woebegone" you have my sincerest sympathy.

The program is on the non-commercial Public Broadcast System so Keillor makes up his own commercials. He features Bertha’s Kitty Boutique, Ralph’s Pretty Good Grocery and The Fear Monger Shop. There’s also Be-Bop-A-Re-Bop Rhubarb Pie and Be-Bop-A-Re-Bop Frozen Rhubarb Pie Filling and The “Catchup” Advisory Board. And of course the show’s opening sponsor, Powder Milk Bisquits, in the blue box with the brown stains that indicate freshness. "Made from whole wheat raised in the rich bottomlands of the Lake Wobegon river valley by Norwegian bachelor farmers; so you know they're not only good for you, but pure ... mostly,"

1951 Julie Kavner
Don’t know this one? You’re not paying attention. She’s Marge Simpson

These are
the most popular pages:
Art Pepper
Gnat Trap
Alison Young
Resident Alien
Ginger Panda
Barney Kessel
Sunday Funnies

Yes, I refuse to use

Things ain't what they used to be. (In fact, they never was.)
The Profile (more than you really wanted to know) is

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