Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Second City Touring Group

Cast of touring group Second City

The Second City Touring group visited us last Saturday night at the Simmons Center.

The were lively and very funny. There were lots of skits, rehearsed and not, but the accent was on the improv. They used words and phrases from the audience to key a skit.

I missed a few punch lines because of the audience noise and the piano background music but then, that's me.

They are from left:
Megan Hovde Wilkins
Dana Quercioli
Ross Bryant
Edgar Blackmon

Cast of touring group Second City

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery
The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about
Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

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