Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Saturday's Child - Just Like Daddy

Dad's duds

Fillin' the BIG shoes.

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Sunday Funnies - Shoe


From Anthony

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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Saturday's Child - Cute Lessons

Boy and shoe tassles in a chair

Taking Cute Lessons

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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Sunday Funnies - Shoe Shoe Baby

Shoe Shoe Baby

Walk, don't run.

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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Wordless Wednesday - Baby wants a New Pair of Shoes

From the brim to the dregs

My own Wordless Wednesday

The Profile
(more than you
wanted to know)

is here.

Betty Boop

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Wordless Wednesday - Shoes?

My own Wordless Wednesday

The Profile
(more than you
wanted to know)

is here.

Who's taking care
of the music?

These are
the most popular pages:
Alison Young
Art Pepper
Barney Kessel
Bettie Page
Edgar Degas and the lost Ginger Nude
Ginger Panda
Gnat Trap
Little Annie Fannie
Resident Alien
Sunday Funnies

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