Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Sunday Funnies: Voter intimidation

From a December 2009 newspaper.

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery

The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake

For more about
Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

Labels: , ,


Sunday Funnies - Sometimes I just don't understand.

I don't understand politics.

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery
The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about
Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

Labels: ,


Saturday's Child - Analogy

Child on tricycle

Sitting on a tricycle alone, for the first time. Such a thrill!

When do we lose that ability to see the beauty and pleasure in simple thrills?

And what about this analogy: Being happy about sitting in the driver's seat and steering while your feet don't actually reach the pedals.

Something like our political system, isn't it? You have the feeling of being in control but you are actually not able to go anywhere

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery
The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about
Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

Labels: , , , ,



Unlimited Photos
No Reason.
I just thought
it was clever.

Things ain't what they used to be.
(In fact, they never was.)
The Profile (more than you really wanted to know) is


These are
the most popular pages:
Alison Young
Art Pepper
Barney Kessel
Bettie Page
Edgar Degas and the lost Ginger Nude
Ginger Panda
Gnat Trap
Little Annie Fannie
Resident Alien
Sunday Funnies
