Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Sunday Funnies - Jack Davis does Homer and Jethro

Old Crusty Minstrels

Another new addition to the collection!

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Sunday Funnies - Jack Davis does Ben Colder

Jack Davis

A new addition to the collection!

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Music Monday - Andy Warhol - pinch hitter

I couldn't coordinate any musicians, David Stone Martin art and today's date, so instead today I will feature all the Andy Warhol album cover art I could find. There are nine.

They are presented here for admiration and educational purposes only.

The Profile (more than you really wanted to know)is HERE.

Lost Gallery The rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

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Music Monday: A new Gerry Gersten find.

Gerry Gersten Art

Did I mention Annie's abilty to spot a gem? She found this in a backroom of a junk shop, plucked from a pile (I mean PILE) of literally thousands of LP records.

While I dug carefully through the heaps, she perused the rest of the shop then walked up, picked this one up and said "Isn't this a Gersten cover?"

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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Music Monday

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band. These five musicians played nine instruments, every inch of the stage and the audience in a live, no intermission, no let up performance. It was action, comedy and oh yes: music. Lots of music.

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band
When they spotted me taking pictures from the fifth row, they all trotted over and posed. Without missing a beat.

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band
They used individual wireless transmitters to a central amp which enabled them to be everywhere/anywhere on the stage.
And they did that.

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band
And best of all: you could tell they were having fun too.

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band

Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band
Last night at the Simmons Center

That was last night.
And now today ...

Dark Side of the Moon

Today in 1973 Pink Floyd began recording "Dark Side Of The Moon."

Don't think about it anymore, just go play it again.

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery
The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Tattered and Lost

Here is an old-photograph site
that you should see:
Tattered and Lost.
It doesn’t present a flood of photographs in categories like Lost Gallery often does; rather it presents one or two photographs at a time with thoughts and remarks about each one.
Tattered and Lost
shows how each lost photograph is connected to a time or a tradition or simply to us.
Go look. Stay a while.