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Music Monday: A new Gerry Gersten find.

Gerry Gersten Art

Did I mention Annie's abilty to spot a gem? She found this in a backroom of a junk shop, plucked from a pile (I mean PILE) of literally thousands of LP records.

While I dug carefully through the heaps, she perused the rest of the shop then walked up, picked this one up and said "Isn't this a Gersten cover?"

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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  • At Saturday, September 03, 2011 11:26:00 PM, Blogger jf said…

    Thanks for the nice post. I think Gersten is great. Until recently, I didn't realize how far back his career stretched. His work continues to look fresh and contemporary. Many, many moons ago, I wrote him a fan letter and sent him a drawing I'd done, clearly under the influence of his style. He wrote me back a short note, advising me to keep practicing.

  • At Monday, September 05, 2011 12:54:00 PM, Blogger anyjazz said…

    Childhood memories. I wrote two short stories when I was a kid and sent them off to EC Comics.

    I got a note back from Bill Gaines and a standard rejection slip. He said basically that all material is staff written and he is returning them unread to insure they didn't inadvertently use them.


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