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Wordless Wednesday: A gathering of waxwings.

Things ain't what they used to be. (In fact, they never was.)
The Profile (more than you really wanted to know) is

A gathering of...waxwings.

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  • At Wednesday, February 06, 2008 11:19:00 AM, Blogger Michele said…

    They are beautiful... never seen so many gathered!

  • At Wednesday, February 06, 2008 5:57:00 PM, Blogger anyjazz said…

    Thanks michele. For a long time, I watched them sit warily in the trees flitting back and forth to the birdbath one, two at a time. Finally, I guess they decided it was safe and came down in a cloud. They were there for several minutes while I got this and some other shots. Then, they disappeared. They returned over the next week but only a couple at a time.

  • At Sunday, February 10, 2008 12:53:00 AM, Blogger Miss Trashahassee said…

    Such pretty birds. Wish we had some of those around here.

  • At Sunday, February 10, 2008 9:32:00 AM, Blogger anyjazz said…

    They should be in your area in great numbers. They like berries and fruit. They breed in the most northern parts of Canada but spend the "winter" in the southern US and all of Mexico. They are a very shy bird and spotting them is sometimes difficult. I had this rare photo opportunity during the 2006 Oklahoma drought. I had a lot of unusual visitors to the birdbath that year. I had the only cool watering hole around.

    One endearing fact about the waxwing is that they are known to get intoxicated by eating fermented fruit. I wonder if they'd like Boone's Farm.


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