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The Story Behind the Photograph - Chairiana and Clovis

Honeymoon in Dirtpile City

It was not turning out a good day for Chairiana Hindsite. Her new husband Clovis O’Yukski had promised her a train trip to Dirtpile City for their honeymoon. Little did she know the trip would be on a freighter pulling 104 oil-tank cars. Posing for the wedding pictures is a real challenge on a moving train, especially if the photographer is not aboard the same train.

Newly weds Clovis and Chairiana had to run to catch the freighter as it passed the farm. Clovis explained that he got a big discount on the tickets if they boarded that way. The photographer didn’t have a ticket.

Clovis was surprised to find that the train did not stop at DirtPile City either. They rode on to Saskatoon where they were able to disembark. Chairiana lost one shoe.

Not having packed for the climate, Chairiana and Clovis were taken in by a kindly homeless man with a grocery cart. Clovis found temporary work the very next day, ghost-writing for Craig Moxie and his Mysteriously Accurate Blog. (It is Mysterious because Craig seems to know nothing about any of this.)

The honeymooners soon caught a grain freighter back to Dirtpile city where they disembarked. Chairiana lost the other shoe which enabled her to walk much better.

The photographer, Helmundt Sock, a close personal relative and fireman, had taken the 627 roll of wedding pictures to Tutti’s Italian Ristoranti and One-Stop-Photoshop Drop. At Tutti’s where the motto is “A day without pasta makes your tummy feel nasta” the film was processed and finished by November. Clovis picked them up and he with Chariana and their three children had a happy afternoon sorting through them and giggling at the results. (By this time, Clovis was giggling a lot.) They glued them into a black paged photo album along with pictures of their pet chinchilla and the large rock out behind the trailer. Oh, the fun.

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meagain625 says: "Chairiana lost the other shoe which enabled her to walk much better."


This is the funniest line in the whole description! Oh, my gosh, I was laughing out loud!

view profile anyjazz65 says: Glad you enjoyed it. My wife liked that line too.

view profile Bodie Bailey says: Cool all the oil you will ever need, very nice.

view profile anyjazz65 says: Thanks! Yes. They seem set.

view profile david haggard says: great story. nothing like a honeymoon in dirtpile city

view profile anyjazz65 says: Hey Thanks! Every picture has a good story.

view profile del's1 says: and the worst line in the whole story is .....

( Drum roll ,,or was that spring roll ?)

“A day without pasta makes your tummy feel nasta” agghh! What kind of fiendish, tortured mind do you have to think these things up,,,chhers del

view profile anyjazz65 says: I didn't make it up! I swear! (Well, not all of it, anyway.)

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