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Musical Monday - Hugo Wolf Quartett

Things ain't what they used to be. (In fact, they never was.)
The Profile (more than you really wanted to know) is

Hugo Wolf Quartett
Hugo Wolf Quartett

Prior to the concert, it was announced that they did not wish to have photographs taken during their performance as it was distracting. So these two photographs of the Hugo Wolf Quartett were taken quickly. The VR lens held down the blur in the low-light conditions.

The classical string quartet appeared at the Simmons Center October 17, 2008.

They played four works, all of which were completely unfamiliar to most of us.

They were a bit amused that we hayseeds clapped between movements of Haydn.

After the first piece, the Haydn opus, it was carefully announced, three times, that the second piece was in three (count 'em: three) movements.

They made their own announcements, all without a microphone and with heavy European accents. We really didn’t understand most of it.

The music was very pleasing and executed very well. The second piece, a “jazz” number we were told, was a bit strange but not dissonant.

I detected two sour notes in the first movement of the Haydn work, but that’s just me. The rest seemed flawless.

The Quartett seemed to enjoy our small audience as much as we enjoyed them. They probably considered us an evening off.

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  • At Monday, October 20, 2008 8:21:00 AM, Blogger Twilight said…

    Why the feelings of inferiority ?
    Hayseeds? Evening off?

    Come on !!

    As I said at the time they were probably playing in some subway or other a couple of years ago.
    they had no reason at all to feel superior just because some silly anrchaic musical etiquette isn't well known in The New World.
    Tch tch!!

    And they didn't even bother to say goodnight! Every other artist we've seen perform at Simmons Center has said a sweet goodnight and "thank you for coming out to see us". That is Class!


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