This is what Jennifer König says about her photograph which she titles "drama queen": "ok let me say right off the bat, this AIN'T how the sky looked. it was really rather drab and grey, with a somewhat funky cloud formation. but like a little girl who turns her toybox upside down on the living room floor, i decided to play with it, to see what drama lay hidden within the pixels. mostly i tinkered with the levels and saturation, coaxing out that little slice of yellowy orangitude from its hiding place under the couch.p.s. check out this cool photo manipulation from P Doodle... (i had no idea he'd posted that, so i like to think of it as more of flickr's "serendipity syrup," as nj dodge rightly calls it.) " So I thought about it all moring. I started to comment on Flickr about the photo and the post processing philosophy but decided it was too much. So I put it here instead. The finished image is what counts.
This comes from a photog that carried 35mm film cameras for almost 50 years. I strove all that time to make the end result be the same as it came from the camera. Darkroom work was simply too strenuous and expensive and worse, somehow it seemed like devious misrepresentation. Available light, candid angles and fast film ruled my photographs.
 The candid shot was supreme.
Today, with a digital camera, I still strive for that natural shot, the picture that looks just like it looked when I was there. But now, “darkroom” work is no longer strenuous or expensive or devious. And it is no longer a personal taboo. It is part of the process. If a shot needs a bit of enhancement to make the photo convey what I “felt” at the time, then that is part of the process. Indeed, it is part of the art.
I think perhaps I suddenly needed to either “vent” or “come-out” (borrowing some of today’s vernacular) on this subject. I ranted on for a couple paragraphs so I blogged this instead to avoid taking up JKonig's comment space. It’s just personal opinion anyway.
(Candid shots rule forever!)

Can anyone identify this painting? Click for larger version.
 A very,merry unbushday to you! Go HERE! It's a hoot!
 Yes, I refuse to use Kleenex until THIS stops.

At Wednesday, October 04, 2006 1:55:00 PM,
jennifer said…
awww man -- thanks so much for the blogging! when i (i being flyingsquirrel, who is jkonig on flickr, who is me) first got into digital photography i avoided playing altogether, cos i too thought it was cheating. but then when i did venture into those unsure waters, and saw how i could manipulate, it became a palette, a starting point. sometimes i go for candid and real; other times, i need to play. in both cases, what i strive for is art.
thanks again!!
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