Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Music Monday - Jazz at the Philharmonic - Norman Granz

JATP 78rpm set - David Stone Martin

One of my favorites Maria Muldaur was born today in 1942 but I couldn’t find any birthdays or events this week to associate with David Stone Martin’s art work. So today we have a various artist album cover by DSM.

This is from a 78 rpm set of one of the many, many incarnations of Jazz At The Philharmonic from Norman Granz, jazz music impresario and producer.

The figure here, with trumpet, became the overall logo (or icon) for Granz and his record labels, primarily Verve and Clef. There is a list of Granz promoted recordings HERE.

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Music Monday - Stan Getz Quintet - Intreptations #3

Things are sort of dull around the Music Monday composing room, so for the next few weeks the cracked editorial staff has decided on a new feature for the day:

The artwork of David Stone Martin on record covers.

One exciting work of art (called Illustration by some) will be presented here each week until they run out. Each is a scan from the editor's personal library and the original copyrights apply.

They are presented here for admiration and educational purposes only.

After two successful albums from Norman Granz recording, the best thing for Stan Getz and the Quintet to do was to record a third album. This one is better known than the first two; at least the cover art appears more often.

The artwork on volume three was, of course: David Stone Martin

Stan Getz

The personnel on these recordings:

Stan Getz, Tenor Sax
John Williams, Piano
Bob Brookmeyer, Valve Trombone
Teddy Kotick, Bass
Frank Isola, Drums

The recordings on this disk are
It Don't Mean A Thing
----(If It Ain't Got That Swing)
The Varsity Drag
Give Me The Simple Life
I'll Remember April
Oh, Jane Snavley

The Profile (more than you really wanted to know)is HERE.

Lost Gallery The rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

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Music Monday - David Stone Martin again

Machito cover - David Stone Martin

After digging and flipping through several piles of old and certainly dusty vinyl long playing records at the almost-lit rear of a junk shop, all I could come up with was the front part of a 10 inch record jacket. The back panel and the record and the inner sleeve (if there ever was one) were gone.

I carried the fragment of cardboard to the counter nearer the front of the establishment and began what I thought would be a lengthy discussion.

“I can’t find the rest of this jacket or the record but I’d like to have it anyway.”

The proprietor jumped up from his lunch to get a better look at the square card in my hand. Then he sat back down.

“Oh, that,” he said, as if he were wholly familiar with the particular item, “You can have that.” He waved it off as if it were trash, which, in his shop, it was. And he returned to his lunch.

I left.

It is a David Stone Martin cover for a Norman Granz 10 inch album for Mercury. It’s a treasure to me.

In completely unrelated news:
Today in 1978 Prince's first single "Soft and Wet" was released.
Today in 1993 Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol.
Today in 2000 The "Prince: A Celebration" party began at Paisley Park Studios. The weeklong event was in celebration of The Artist reclaiming his name "Prince" after a 7-year battle with Warner Brothers.

Today in 1979 Chuck Berry was charged with 3 counts of tax evasion. Later that same day, he performed at the White House at the request of U.S. President Carter.

Today in 1993 The ground breaking ceremony was held for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, OH.

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake

For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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