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Music Monday - Jim Flora does BG

Things are sort of dull around the Music Monday composing room, so for the next few weeks the cracked editorial staff has decided on a new feature for the day:

The artwork of David Stone Martin on record covers.

One exciting work of art (called Illustration by some) will be presented here each week until they run out. Each is a scan from the editor's personal library and the original copyrights apply.

They are presented here for admiration and educational purposes only.

Today in 1986 we lost Benny Goodman to a heart attack so let's look at some Goodman record sleeves.

We have been looking at David Stone Martin record cover work for a few Music Mondays. But to my knowledge, no David Stone Martin work was used on any of the many Goodman disks. So to pay respects to the memory of Mister Goodman today, we’ll present a well know BG cover by Jim Flora, another artist who designed many record covers. The one at the right is one of the most famous.

Next week: Back to David Stone Martin

The three covers below seem a little like Jim Flora work but probably are not. Flora's signature appears in most of his work.

Jim Flora Cover

Flora's signature appears in most of his work.

These all seem to have an "arrow" theme.

If anyone can identify any of the artists here, send me a note.

Benny Goodman sextet 45Benny Goodman quintet 45Benny Goodman quartet 45

The Profile (more than you really wanted to know)is HERE.

Lost Gallery The rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

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