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Music Monday - Not the City

Today in 1941, Duke Ellington and his orchestra recorded "Take the "A" Train" for the first time. Ellington had met Billy Strayhorn in 1938. Legend has it that Strayhorn wrote '"A" Train' on the "A" Train, on the way to meet Ellington for the first time.

In 1964, The Beatles released the single "Eight Days a Week" and the album "Meet The Beatles." But nobody remembers it.

In 1965, Nat "King" Cole died of complications following surgery for lung cancer at the age of 48. Too soon. Too soon.

In 1967, Chicago was founded I mean, formed. The band, not the city.

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery

The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake

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Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

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  • At Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:12:00 PM, Anonymous The Next President of the United States said…

    In the interest of historic accuracy: Actually, the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) was formed! I remember how utterly cool it was in 1970 to have them come to Illinois State University as CTA, and then a couple months later, they shared the stage with Three Dog Night in a concert at Eastern Illinois University, which is still among my Top 10 Concerts attended. Never was quite sure why they dropped the CTA and became Chicago, although their Top 40 value seemed to rise after the transition.

  • At Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4:50:00 PM, Blogger anyjazz said…

    You are right of course. But then my joke wouldn't have worked as well.

    And according to my daughter they put on an exciting show. I don't remember when she saw a concert but I remember her telling me about it.

    And BTW, you have this album.

  • At Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:51:00 AM, Anonymous The Next President of the United States said…

    Agreed. I pursuit of saving the humor, one must take "liberties" at times. And except for we older types, few remember that Chicago actually began as CTA.

    Karen has often mentioned Chicago being one of her favorite concerts, but for the life of me, can't remember where she said she saw them. Perhaps it was at the Zoo in OKC.

    And, yes, I do have that album! :-)


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