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Happy BIrthday B. B. King

B. B. King

Today in 1925 Riley B. King was born. You know. B. B. King.

We couldn't have done it without him.

The Profile
(more than you
wanted to know)

is here.

Betty Boop

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  • At Tuesday, September 22, 2009 12:13:00 PM, Anonymous The Next President of the United States said…

    In the summer before Karen and I married, we took the boys to the Benson & Hedges Blues Festival in Dallas, a great blues fest, where the lil' urchins got to see some of the biggest names in the genre. Chris, who you might remember as your youngest grandson :-) was totally enthralled by B.B. He loved the name, he loved B.B.'s amiable stage presence and since I'd already given both guys the "here's B.B.'s place in history" lecture, he seemed to understand that he was getting a chance to see greatness. At one point, Bubs said, "Jeffie, B.B. plays guitar different from those other guys." Ah, the learning had begun! Nowadays, if you had 10 great guitarists all playing at the same time, Bubs could pick out B.B. King after just a few notes. 'Pears that boy has gotten a good raisin'!

  • At Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:15:00 PM, Blogger anyjazz said…

    Thanks TNPOTUS. So true. You never know what spark is going to stay with a kid.

    Those boys have a concert history that few their age can match.

    Thanks again.


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