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Music Monday - Janis

This is the 1969 drawing by R. Crumb.

Today in 1968, Janis Joplin gave her first solo performance in Memphis, TN.

Then in 1969, Diana Ross gave her last performance as a member of the Supremes on "The Ed Sullivan Show."

The two events are probably not related.

This is the 2008 serigraph by R. Crumb.

The following is excerpted from the official R. Crumb website:

Yeah, Janis, she was my buddy—poor thing. She was a very talented, gifted singer, but she got sidetracked by fame and her life went into a disastrous tailspin. In her last days she was surrounded by sycophants and music business hustlers just full of bad advice for her. She was young and, in spite of her tough, hard drinking exterior, she was innocent. She just wanted to please the crowds, who got excited when she screamed and stomped her feet and carried on histrionically on stage. The crowd loves a good show. The drawing of her that you have here is a remake of an earlier drawing I did of her back in 1969 when she was still alive. It presents this screaming showbiz Janis as she came to present herself to the public, the Janis that sweated blood to please the crowds. But personally, I think she was a better singer years before that, when she sang old time Country music and Blues in small clubs. She was great then, a natural born country girl shouter and wailer in the good old-time way. Just my opinion.

-R. Crumb November, '08

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