Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


A Misplaced Priority.

remember me

A misplaced priority.

It has only a short span to show its beauty, to accomplish its destiny.

As it begins to wilt in the summer sun, does it look back and regret wasted moments, useless endeavors?

No. Probably not.

Our ingenuity has harnessed wild rivers and imitated the flight of birds. We’ve explored our world and walked on our moon.

As we continue into our own lengthening shadows, do we look back at what we missed?

Yes. Yes we do.

We have not developed an iris that blooms constantly, through all seasons.

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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