Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Sunday Funnies - A Bit of Trash


This may be the strangest thing you see all day.

Ask yourself, how many times a day to you see something and
a.) ignore its importance.
b.) miss its private beauty
c.) misinterpret its message
d.) dismiss it as irrelevant
and ultimately avoid thinking about it any more.

Or perhaps you photograph it and think about it. You think: It’s partly out of focus. Does that matter? Is anything in perfect focus?

Okay, it’s just a bit of trash. Are we all Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout?

Humans are crowding around our landfills. When the landfills are full, where will we fall? Will we cement over our cemeteries? After we level our mountains, where will the valleys be?

There is the penguin theory. Penguins crowd around a hole in the ice, hungry for the fish that must be waiting for them, but afraid of the predators that might also be waiting for them. So the penguins stand around indecisive, crowding closer, until one of them accidentally falls in. If he returns with a fish, they all jump in. If he does not return, the rest of the penguins wander away in search of another hole in the ice.

Humans crowd around our world waiting for one of us to have a new idea that will sustain us all. But when one of us discovers a way, will we return with a fish? Or will there be insurance companies, pharmacies, energy conglomerates and greedy governments to gobble us up?

But humans are smarter than penguins aren’t they? Well, aren’t they?

And in case you forgot, today in 2001, George Harrison died.

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery
The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about
Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

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