Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


Jim Morrison, The Doors.

Today in 1971, Jim Morrison was found dead of a drug overdose or perhaps a heart attack (depending on which account you read...) in a bath tub in Paris, France. No one seems to have anything nice to say about Morrison. Seems he was an unaccountable drug and alcohol addict, an unconscionable womanizer, an undependable, self-centered human being for all of his 27 years. He wrote sadistic, depressing, ominous lyrics about death and dying. There were many unique songs but none of which seem very memorable to people, none you would catch anyone humming at work. Apparently his was somewhat a wasted life. Sure, there are fans. There must have been SOME redeeming factor to his miserable, pointless existence. It's just hard to find.

He's one of those people one would like to have back for just a short interview. An interview, just to ask..."What were you thinking? What?"

Well, on a much lighter note. Today in 1989, we lost Mr. Magoo. (See his well protected image here.) One could hear Jim Backus as the voice of Mr. Magoo, but one could also see him as Mr. Howell in the silly but famous TV sitcom, "Gilligan's Island." Mr. Backus, we do miss you.

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