Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


So that's it!

Well, they claimed global warming is a hoax so they gotta blame something else!

The Profile (more than you really wanted to know)is HERE.

Lost Gallery
The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

Still the most popular page on this blog. The Subway Collection

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Sunday Funnies - Life in Death

Life in death.
Sounds like a fire and brimstone preacher.

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.
Betty Boop

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Cross section of the American Mind

Some more things

blairdashpb SAYS:
I am a gossiping, diabetic, lonely, overweight woman with health and weight problems and obsessed with my status, other people's sex lives, and tat. I'll have them all, plus 12 cartons of microwave burgers-in-a-bun and six bags of toffee popcorn. ta mate.

anyjazz65 SAYS:
Then THIS PLACE is for YOU!

You want a diet soda with that?

blairdashpb SAYS:
Yeah you're right - I oughta think of my health..........
I'll have 2.

anyjazz65 SAYS:
Shall I super-size that?

larrywilkes SAYS:
Don't let him lead you on pb.

ed ed SAYS:
You could put this in a time capsule labeled: The apex of US/Anglo-Saxon culture at the beginning of the 21st century. It's a monument

anyjazz65 SAYS:
lw: moi?

Thanks ed ed. You are right. It certainly covers most of the popular interests: Gossip about anyone, fad doctors, fad diets, redecorating, country and western music, television programming. Wait a minute.
There’s nothing about conservation or recycling or environmental issues. Oh, right. Those aren’t popular interests.

But then, the people of the future will not
be able to read anyway.

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost GalleryThe rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in Lost Gallery.

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Sunday Funnies - Stands

Somebody is just not trying very hard.

The Profile(more than you really wanted to know)is here.

Lost Gallery
The rescue mission for battered and abused orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake
For more about Double Exposures see this page in
Lost Gallery.

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Sunday Funnies - Slapping Girl Store

I bet it hurt ...somebody.

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery

The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake

For more about
Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

Labels: , ,


Sunday Funnies - Pockets?

Well, you had to be there I guess ...

The Profile
(more than you really wanted to know)
is here.

Lost Gallery

The rescue mission
for battered and abused
orphan photographs.

Betty Boop

A bunch at Abbot Lake

For more about
Double Exposures
see this page in
Lost Gallery.

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