Sunday Funnies - Bart Beasley Escapes
An alert photographer, just waking from an extended nap, caught this photo of Bart Beasley as he escaped quickly into the crowd. Beasley, a six-time loser, was eluding the law after accomplishing another in a long series of disreputable capers.
Already a six-time loser, Beasley, if caught and convicted one more time, will have to spend his next four Tuesday afternoons in the Double-T Tea Time, tea room, serving tea in tea cozies and tater-tots with tongs. And you thought our court system was too lenient!
Nobody knows what fiendish deed Beasley was up to this time but rest assured it will involve fire extinguishers, leg paint, a subway pass and a candy cane. It’s his favorite caper.
Labels: Sunday Funnies
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