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Betty Boop was born today. Happy Birthday Betty...

Today in 1930 Betty Boop appeared in her first starring role in a memorable movie named "Dizzy Dishes"; you remember it don't you?

The Famous Betty Boop
from an old calendar.

Betty appears now and then in other places: Here and Here for instance...

Can anyone identify this painting? Is it Francois Schuiten? Looks like his work but can someone confirm it??
Click for larger version.

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  • At Thursday, August 09, 2007 11:24:00 PM, Blogger Miss Trashahassee said…

    I don't remember no Betty Boop. There ain't nothin' at my house but Dirty Dishes.

    Happy Birthday Betty Boop! Boop Boop Be Doop!

    Miss T

    P.S. - Is she related to the Hager Twins? They're the world's most famous twins. It says so on their Web site.

  • At Friday, August 10, 2007 7:20:00 AM, Blogger anyjazz said…

    When I was little I told my mom I wanted to marry Betty Boop when I growed up. She told me I couldn’t on account she wasn’t even a cousin or nothing.

    Love them Hager Twins. All of them. How many are there anyway?


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