How to deal with illegal immigrants. The subtile solution...
Today in 1881, Sitting Bull surrendered to the Bluecoats. And they all lived happily ever after. What a crock.
And thanks to the Native Americans for allowing us to live in their land. Sorry we messed it up so much.
And thanks to Dan for pointing that out.
In related news....Also today, in 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin landed on the moon. The following day Armstrong will be heard saying, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind..." Scientists were disappointed as no buffalo herds were found on the moon.
Then, on this same day, a few years later in 1976, Scientists land the Viking One on Mars. The existance of buffalo had still not been determined at that time.
And today in 2007, Mars Rover "Opportunity" sent back this photo which scientists say proves conclusively that Buffalo once existed on Mars but went extinct by natural causes.
Can anyone identify this painting? Is it Francois Schuiten? Looks like his work but can someone confirm it?? Click for larger version.
Yes, I refuse to use Kleenex until THIS stops.
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