Thinks happen

Comments and journal pages.


The Roman mythological Goddess of Agriculture goes to church...

There is little need here to go into the harm that the wall of Religious Intolerance has done to our world.

Maybe this is a subtle chip in that wall.

And then maybe it is just the gentle, humorous incongruity that sets it apart.

Okay, okay. Maybe too obscure for me too.

It's George Carlin's birthday today. Happy Birthday George.

Now, George spoke on religion once back in 1999. He wasn't subtle at all.

George Carlin appeared in concert in Oklahoma City about two years ago.
One highlight of the program was when mid-monologue, all the lights in the theater went off and no one left their seats. Everyone wanted to hear what crotchety Carlin had to say about the event.

When the lights came back on finally, Carlin explained that someone had pulled a fire alarm as a prank and left by a back door. The fire alarm automatically shuts down the electricity. The fire marshal returned the electricity and Carlin resumed his monologue.

Perhaps the prankster was a religious extremist who didn’t appreciate Carlin’s rant on religion, proclaiming his worship of the Sun and Joe Pesci. Religious intolerance at work again probably.

Yes, I refuse to use

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