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Blue Turning Grey Over You

Between a butterfly and a hard place, originally uploaded by anyjazz65.

Blue Turning Grey Over You

Gee, how I miss
Your tender kiss,
And the wonderful things we would do.

Now I run my hands
Through silvery strands--
You left me blue turning grey over you.

You used to be
So good to me--
That's when I was a novelty.

Now, you've new friends in view,
You've found someone new,
And left me blue turning grey over you.

Words & Music by Andy Razaf & Fats Waller, 1929
Recorded by Louis Armstrong February 1, 1930
Recorded by Fats Waller June 9, 1937
Recorded by Billie Holliday, April 29, 1951
Recorded by Maxine Sullivan, August 20, 1956
Recorded by Gene Krupa, March 20, 1950
Recorded by Ringo Starr, 1970

Now, Ringo somehow, came up with some other lyrics not on any of the older recordings that could be found. Nothing is said on that album or record label whether they are from Waller and Razaf but no other credit is given. So perhaps they are just one of those “lost” intro-verses that sort of went out of fashion in the recording industry. This opening verse is also in keeping with the feeling of the rest of the song. Then there are some obvious scat additions at the end which were probably added by Ringo. Perhaps someone knows.

Blue, Turning Grey Over You (Ringo Starr Lyrics)
(Andy Razaf and Thomas "Fats" Waller)

What will I do at sundown,
What will I do at dawn,
What will I do at noontime,
Now that I’ve found you gone?

What will I do for sunshine
With nothing but the rain?
How can I smile,
Find life worth while
With a heart that's filled with pain?

My, how I miss
Your tender kiss
And the wonderful things you would do.
I run my hands
through silvery strands
'Cause I’m blue, turning grey over you.

Well, you used to be
So good to me,
That's when I was a novelty.
Now you have new thrills in view,
Found someone new,
Left me blue, turning grey over you.

I said, how can I smile,
Find life worth while
With a heart that's filled with pain?

You used to be
So good to me,
That's when I was a novelty.
Well, now you have found some new thrills to view,
And some new buddy friends and i don't know what to do.
Because I’m blue, turning grey over you.

Yeah, come on, hit me, daddy, hit me,
Let me hear it one time!
Oh yeah!


I just lost myself there, child, ha! Ha! Ha!

Can anyone identify this painting?
Click for larger version.

A very,merry unbushday to you!
It's a hoot!

Yes, I refuse to use

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